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崔 冰

发布人:学院    发布时间:2023-08-25     点击:

职  称:讲师

学  历:博士



(1) 新型植物基食品结构化设计

(2) 食品胶体的物性及应用研究


2023.7-至今 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐 讲师

2019.9-2023.6 华中农业大学博士


1.Cui, B., Mao, Y. Y., Liu, J., Liang, X. L., Chen, X. J., Wang, X. Y., Liang, H. S., Li, J., Zhou, B., Li, B. Effect of salt on solution behavior of spinning medium and properties of meat analog fibers, (2023). Food Hydrocolloids, 139: 108540.

2.Cui, B., Liang, H., Li, J., Zhou, B., Chen, W., Liu, J., Li, B. Development and characterization of edible plant-based fibers using a wet-spinning technique, (2022). Food Hydrocolloids, 133:107965.

3.Cui, B., Mao, Y., Liang, H., Li, Y., Li, J., Ye, S., Chen, W., & Li, B. (2022). Properties of soybean protein isolate/curdlan based emulsion gel for fat analogue: Comparison with pork backfat. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 206, 481-488.

4.Cui, B., Wu, D., Zhou, B., Zhu, K. D., Pei, Y. Q., Li, B., & Liang, H. S. (2023) Hydrogel-based encapsulation strategy for nobiletin stabilization. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 372:121208.

5. Cui, B., Chen, W., Liang, H., Li, J., Wu, D., Ye, S., & Li, B. (2022). A novel κ-carrageenan/konjac gum thermo-irreversible gel improved by gellan gum and Ca2+. LWT-Food science and Technology, 154: 112645.

6. Chen, Z.,Cui, B.(共一), Guo, X. H., Zhou, B., Wang, S. S., Pei, Y. Q., Li, B., & Liang, H. S. (2022). Fabrication and characterization of Pickering emulsions stabilized by desalted duck egg white nanogels and sodium alginate. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 102(3), 949-956.

7. Jia, W.,Cui, B.(共一), Ye, T., Lin, L., Zheng, H., Yan, X., Li, Y., Wang, L., Liu, S., & Li, B. (2014). Phase behavior of ovalbumin and carboxymethylcellulose composite system. Carbohydrate Polymers, 109, 64-70.

8. An, Y.,Cui, B., Wang, Y., Jin, W., Geng, X., Yan, X., & Li, B. (2014). Functional properties of ovalbumin glycosylated with carboxymethyl cellulose of different substitution degree. Food Hydrocolloids, 40, 1-8.

9. Geng, X.,Cui, B., Li, Y., Jin, W., An, Y., Zhou, B., Ye, T., He, L., Liang, H., Wang, L., Chen, Y., & Li, B. (2014). Preparation and characterization of ovalbumin and carboxymethyl cellulose conjugates via glycosylation. Food Hydrocolloids, 37, 86-92.

上一条:陈 洋
