职 称:
学 历:博士
E-mail: zhangx@hbut.edu.cn
1. 新型冷冻搅打奶油的构建及其稳定机制;
2. 食品胶体结构设计与功能调控;
3. 功能性益生菌及多营养素递送体系的构建及评价。
2021.9至今 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐
2023.11至今 英国雷丁大学 访问学者
2017.9-2021.9华中农业大学 博士
2005.9-2012.6北京化工大学 本硕
1、 小麦醇溶蛋白胶粒一步剪切稳定充气乳液的静电斥力诱导机制,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2023.01-2025.12,主持;
2、 构建小麦醇溶蛋白/CMC稳定的皮克林乳液用于食品3D打印,细胞调控与分子药物“111”引智基地青年学者国际合作项目,2022.06-2024.06,主持;
3、 小麦醇溶蛋白/CMC复合胶体颗粒构建高度可加工的高内相皮克林乳液,太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐博士科研启动基金项目,2022.01-2024.12,主持;
Zhang, X., Chen, Y., Li, R., Shi, Y., Zhao, Y., Li, B., Chen, Y., Zhu, X., (2024). Fabrication of pea protein isolate-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions with high freeze-thaw stability: effect of high intensity ultrasonic on emulsions and interfacial protein structure, Food Hydrocolloids, 110484.(中科院一区TOP,IF=11.0)
Zhang, D., Yang, Y., Li, R., Rong, X., Zhang, W., Zhang, M., Li, B., &Zhang, X*. (2024). Effects of co-assembly of gliadin and carboxymethyl cellulose on the high internal phase pickering emulsions: Rheology properties, 3D printing performance and oil-soluble nutrient delivery.Food Hydrocolloids, 155.(中科院一区TOP,IF=11.0)
Zhang, X., Zhang, D., Rong, X., Yang, Y., Liang, H., Li, J., & Li, B. (2024). Combining in-situ observation and interfacial rheology as a tool to investigate the possible mechanism for improved emulsifying performance of gliadin-based colloid particles.LWT, 199.(中科院一区TOP,IF=6.0)
Zhang, X., Rong, X., Zhang, D., Yang, Y., Li, B. (2023). Fabrication of natural W1/O/W2double emulsions stabilized with gliadin colloid particles and soybean lecithin,Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 144(108978)(中科院一区TOP,IF=11.0)
Zhang, X., Liang, H., Li, J., & Li, B. (2022). Fabrication of processable and edible high internal phase Pickering emulsions stabilized with gliadin/sodium carboxymethyl cellulose colloid particles. Food Hydrocolloids, 128.(中科院一区TOP,IF=11.0)
Zhang, X., Liang, H., Li, J., Wei, X., & Li, B. (2020). Improving the emulsifying property of gliadin nanoparticles as stabilizer of Pickering emulsions: Modification with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose. Food Hydrocolloids, 107.(中科院一区TOP,IF=11.0)
Zhang, X., Zhang, Z., Liang, H., Li, J., Wen, L., Geng, F., & Li, B. (2021). Influence of solvent polarity of ethonal/water binary solvent on the structural, emulsifying, interfacial rheology properties of gliadin nanoparticles. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 344.(中科院二区,IF=6.0)