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发布人:唐景峰    发布时间:2021-12-27     点击:


职 称 讲师

学 历 博士

Email yuxinc@hbut.edu.cn


2005.9-2009.6华中农业大学 植物科学技术学院 植物科学与技术专业 学士

2009.9-2015.6武汉大学 药学院 生物化学与分子生物学专业 硕博连读 博士


2016.3-2017.8美国加州大学河滨分校 分子,细胞和系统生物学系Lab Assistant

2017.9-2019.5美国加州大学河滨分校 生物医学科学系Assistant Specialist

2019.7至今 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐 讲师


2021年 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐院级优秀班导师


《中草药》杂志青年编委;《中国现代中药》杂志青年编委;《武汉大学学报(理学版)》杂志青年通讯编委;中国中西医结合学会临床药理与毒理专业委员会青年委员;中华中医药学会中药毒理学与安全性研究分会青年委员;Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications杂志审稿人。








4. Study on the organic amine metabolitesfrom amino acids transport through a rat colon(XBTK-2020003),太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐细胞调控与分子药物“111”引智基地青年学者国际合作研究项目,2020-2022,主持,结题。



1. Yao-Yao Li, Yu Cui, Wan-Rong Dong, Tian-Tian Liu, Gao Zhou andYu-Xin Chen*.Terminalia belliricafruit extract alleviates DSS-induced ulcerative colitis by regulating gut microbiota, inflammatory mediators, and cytokines.Molecules2023, 28, 5783.

2. Yu-Xin Chenand Qiang Cai*. Plant exosome-like nanovesicles and their role in the innovative delivery of RNA therapeutics.Biomedicines2023, 11, 1806.

3. 崔雨,董婉绒,刘恬恬,朱卫东,周高,陈玉欣*.毛诃子化学成分及药理活性的研究进展[J].中国现代中药,2023, 25(1): 216-227.

4. Tian-Tian Liu, Lin-Jing Gou, Hong Zeng, Gao Zhou, Wan-Rong Dong, Yu Cui, Qiang Cai* andYu-Xin Chen*. Inhibitory effect and mechanism of dill seed essential oil on Neofusicoccum parvum in Chinese chestnut.Separations2022, 9, 296.

5. Yu-Xin Chen#, Wei Li#, Hong Zeng, Gao Zhou, Qiang Cai*. Transcriptome analysis reveals the mechanism of dill seed essential oil againstSclerotinia sclerotiorum.Natural Product Communications2022, 17(8): 1-11.

6. 刘恬恬,周高,勾林晶,赵异,曾红,戴河双,蔡强*,陈玉欣*.莳萝精油及提取物的化学成分和药理活性的研究进展[J].中草药,2022, 53(8): 2582-2596.

7. Yuxin Chen, Meredith M. Dinges, Andrew Green, Scott E. Cramer, Cynthia K. Larive, Christian Lytle*. Absorptive transport of amino acids by the rat colon.American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology2020, 318: G189-G202.

8. Yuxin Chen, Neema Adhami, Manuela Martins-Green*. Biological markers of harm can be detected in mice exposed for two months to low doses of third hand smoke under conditions that mimic human exposure.Food and Chemical Toxicology2018,122: 95-103.

9. Neema Adhami#,Yuxin Chen#, Manuela Martins-Green*. Biomarkers of disease found in mice after exposure to third hand smoke equivalent to those found in homes of smokers.Clinical Science2017, 131: 2409-2426.(#共同第一作者)

10. Yuxin Chen, Jing Tong, Lanlan Ge, Bingxin Ma, Jingsheng He, Youwei Wang*. Ethyl acetate fraction ofTerminalia belliricafruit inhibits rat hepatic stellate cell proliferation and induces apoptosis.Industrial Crops and Products2015, 76:364-373.

11. Yuxin Chen#, Hong Zeng#, Jun Tian, Xiaoquan Ban, Bingxin Ma, YouweiWang*. Dill (Anethum graveolensL.) seed essential oil inducesCandida albicansapoptosis in a metacaspase-dependent manner.Fungal Biology2014, 118:394-401.

12. Yuxin Chen#, Hong Zeng#, Jun Tian, Xiaoquan Ban, Bingxin Ma, Youwei Wang*. Antifungal mechanism of essential oil fromAnethum graveolensseeds againstCandida albicans.Journal of Medical Microbiology2013, 62: 1175-1183.

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